Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Black Hobo P U Leather Handbag

The world of immitate fashion is always came out with new trendy designs or style that storms the market.It immediately gains popularity amongst the ebay seller to sell the very similar to the famous brand name handbag on ebay.When you type handbag on the search ,you probably could see this handbag with US0.99 starting bid(with free shipping).Young teens buyer are crazy about these bag.I had observed one of the highest bidder won the bag for US 25.00.That's really crazy!If you go to china wholesale website,the bag cost around US5.00.
I have bidded a few items on ebay a month ago.One of the item is handbag.I was expected to bid it below US10 but there were too many competitors.At last I won the bid at US15.00 plus free shipping.I think the price is still reasonable compare buying at the fashion store but it takes 3 weeks to arrive.
Today I got the bag.It's from China.The bag came all nicely packaged and I was really surprised that this bag has 90% alike on the picture shown.It has leather smell too.The quality is not bad though.I didn’t imagine that big,but it is. It’s going to work great for carry things around, especially since I usually stock up with kids stuff with me all the time. So now I don’t have to carry two or more bags, just one.

Here’s the bag I got

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